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main_icn_My_Vodafone " cx="64" cy="40.09" r="36.09" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> " d="M156,164.1c-6.48-43.88-33.17-64.23-59.64-64.23S42.49,120.21,36,164.09" transform="translate(-32 -23.82)" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> main_icn_Search main_icn_Chevron_right " points="4 4 72 72 4 140" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> main_icn_Chevron_down " points="140 4 72 72 4 4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> main_icn_Close " x1="4" y1="4" x2="140" y2="140" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> " x1="4" y1="140" x2="140" y2="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> main_icn_Menu " x1="156.5" y1="108" x2="4.5" y2="108" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="9" /> " x1="156.5" y1="56" x2="4.5" y2="56" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" /> " x1="156.5" y1="4" x2="4.5" y2="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" /> social-facebook social-google-plus social-linkedin social-twitter social-youtube main_icn_Community_or_Foundation main_icn_Location " cx="56" cy="56" r="28" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" /> " d="M111.26,154.08C126.71,135,148,102.54,148,74.76,148,45,126.08,20,96,20S44,44.12,44,73.87C44,115.38,96,172,96,172S107.56,158.65,111.26,154.08Z" transform="translate(-40 -16)" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> main_icn_Network_signal Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 01:06 PM Recently bought a Cubot One for my daughter to replace a water damaged monthly contract phone. All great with the exception that the phone will NOT connect to the internet (unless on wireless). Have been into the Vodafone shop and they say the settings are correct.
I'm at a bit of a dead end. Any ideas out there? Solved! Go to best answer.
Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 01:55 PM I can think of 2 common things that could be the cause of this. The first is that the internet settings (APN) are not quite right on the handset. You can get a configuration txt with the correct ones sent over from here http://help.vodafone.
controller? CONFIGURATION=1000 PARTITION_ID=1 CMD=BROWS... Otherwise, do you get indication that you have a 3G connection on the handset?
This is normally shown as a H or 3G symbol. Vodafone use 900 and 2100 MHZ to offer 3G, your phone listens on 850 and 2100... if you are in an area that is using 900mhz, then your phone won't be able to connect, and it will default down to 2G Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 04:17 PM On an Android device, if you go into Settings|Networks etc and then mobile data and then the sub-menu (more settings, or the like), there should be an option to pull the settings down, rather than getting them pushed to you. They should install automatically and replace anything that's previously there. The frequency issue may cause you problems, though.
Edited to add: I've also seen a review that suggests that this is a dual-SIM phone adn that 3G can be swapped between the SIMs. Is it possible that you need to point your data connection at the correct slot in Settings (even if you only have one SIM in it)? Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 06:55 PM Thanks for the response. I have tried the link and it does not send the details (says it cannot).
I have looked up the manual setting and it is exactly correct on the phone. No I get no H or 3G indicator either, but we are in a fairly remote spot, but we do get signal!!
Any other thoughts? Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 06:58 PM Thanks....we dont get 3G at our home location and the phone registers 3 of 4 bars signal, but no internet.
All the other phones in the house work fine. Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 07:08 PM Thanks Hyrm, Unable to push settings, but have double checked them and they are correct to that published on the vodafone site. Interesting idea ref the sims, but dont see any option to 'point' to a particular slot? any thoughts? Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 17-06-2014 07:19 PM for further info, in the 'about phone/sim status' screens the signal type under 'mobile network type' is showing as GPRS and the 'mobile network state' is showing as 'disconnected' even though mobile data is 'on' in the data usage settings.
help?? Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 18-06-2014 05:12 PM I got the info about pointing the data connection to either SIM from a review on Amazon, so that's all I know I'm afraid! Is there a manufacturer website you can get a full manual from? That might point you in the right direction.
On the signal frequency issue, have you tried limiting the device to GPRS only in the Mobile Data settings? (just a thought, that last one). Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 19-06-2014 11:48 AM Hi KennyTempleton, Unfortunately this isn't a handset that we support or have any information for. Providing the handset can receive our 3G frequency as stated above, and the APN settings are correct, you should be good to go. DaveCD Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 26-06-2014 07:27 PM I have a £110 Cubot1 as well. Wonderful value, so not surprising vodafone prefers not to know about it - why pay £400 for much the same thing from them? I got it going using the manual setup described,.. Pay monthly and BusinessAPN: wap.vodafone.
co.ukUsername: wapPassword: wapMMSC: http://mms.vodafone. Proxy: Port: 8799MCC: 234MNC: 15APN Type: default,mms and and the phone was working for months - albeit google app data was always a little flakey - then the access and sync to any google apps (mail, maps, chrome etc) began to get worse - sync errors, intermittent/no network connection - BUT everything was fine using WiFi. Other apps like FB, Skype etc work OK using the Vodafone data connection. It is ONLY the google stuff that does not. I assume there is a separate port or some proxy issue that Vodafone have managed to screw up. All the evidence suggests that the Vodafone internet data proxy is messing up the link to google along the way. Of course Vodafone support have no direct suggestion based on t reported issues, and instead suggest deleting everything, take out the battery and SIM, sacrificing a virgin and reinstalling.
But that simply does not address the fact that is works AOK with WiFi, but doesn't when using their own poxy internet data service. I have found one other clue recently that seems to make a difference: if you fight through the APN settings, try and add: Authentication type: PAP The default was none. It's a pity there is not a better discussion/description of the range of possible APN settings and what they do anywhere.
So does anyone have any suggestions? Sadly I need Vodafone because of the sure signal femtocells - otherwise I would be off to EE like everyone else. Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 10:09 AM I took my frustration further with a rant about Vodafone in the forum and was pounced on by a couple of the Vodafone zealots (over 10k posts each, and medals for their support for the cause) . A real Vodafone support Wayne eventually intervened after a series of blunt exchanges where i was accused of being an nihilistic dissident who should read more ofcom reports!
No I am not, I am a very irritated customer (4 phones/ 8 years) who is mightily frustrated by the stone wall support tactics that can only read off a screen and not actually listen to a problem and then solve it. Unlike 90% of others who probably give up in despair (as a surf around the web will suggest), I am sticking with this through to a conclusion. I put it to Vodafone that it can afford to buy one of every current smart phone and test it on its network - and understand what goes on. the Issue the Cubot One here faces where everything works over WiFi, but Google access it strangled randomly using the Vodafone data network deserves a proper analysis and explanation. Dual SIM devices may be heresy in a land of "locked up" cartels, but where one network cannot/will not provide adequate coverage, it is a necessity.
And overall, a MUCH better system of data diagnostics with all phones seems long overdue. There are some remote access apps for support I note (introducing more security issues) which is a start, but a simple app for a "one stop" "check this phone and its connection(s) out and report to me and Vodafone" ought not to be beyond the scope of a company that is as awash with cash as this one. It is time Vodafone was slapped into paying attention - and also asked to stop its vigilantes from patrolling these forums to pounce on all dissidents with smartar$e rudery and sarcasm.
Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 10:47 AM Let's make things clear. You started name calling which is unacceptable and then took offence when this was pointed out to you. There's nothing wrong with being irritated, and you're welcome to post in a polite manner.
But yet again, you've resorted to name calling in this post. I'm sorry that you did not like people having a different opinion to yours, especially when theirs was backed up by fact and not assumption. If you have an issue, that's fine, but it is wrong to assume that everyone else does to. At the end of the day, no mobile network offers support on handsets that they don't range. And TBH, I don't see why they should either.
It's no different from my local garage only servicing certain makes of vehicles. If you want support, you buy a handset of the model ranged by the network.
If you buy a handset that they don't range, you're on your own. That is a choice you make. Has my post helped you? If so please click the Thumbs Up button! Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 11:18 AM Once again an immediate and aggressive response does Vodafone no favours. I assume Vodafone sanction this type of patrol as it distances them from the generally accepted "customer is always right" ethos.
Anyway, this matter will be posted to a broader forum shortly, and we can allow fellow consumers of telco services to take a view on which of us reflects the general view. It seems accepted that there are fundamental incompatibilities in the 3G and 4G networks that are more complex than "simple" IP routing - all cellco forums are awash with users asking about issues like http://forum.vodafone. And once again, you have NOT answered the very specific technical issue: how come only Google apps are unable to operate reliably using the Vodafone data network, when they work fine over any WiFi connection.
There HAS to be an issue of proxy configuration. Surely Vodafone has a hot line to Google over general support issues such as this..? Is there a conspiracy to lock out value-for-money dual SIM smartphones from the networks? The Cubot One costs £125 - the usual alternatives from Vodafone and elsewhere start at £300. Just what sort of margins do cellcos enjoy on their handset retailing?
Large mobile networks like Vodafone are given considerable powers within the telecom cartel by timid politicians who are reluctant to address issues like dual sim and in country roaming - where the network coverage is not fit for purpose. The strategic importance to the country of keeping the phone networks going is now on a par with the banks that were allowed to become so big that they "could not be allowed to fail". I can't help feeling that a break up into smaller operating units that could be allowed to fail through their own intransigent incompetence without bringing the nation down would benefit everyone in the long run. Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 11:49 AM I find it interesting that you don't seem to think that you have done anything wrong. I find it more worrying that you find people aggressive towards you. Perhaps you shouldn't project your own behaviour onto others?
I was not being aggressive, I was simply pointing out that your behaviour isn't acceptable. You also have to realise that the phrase "the customer is always right" is a very arrogant way of looking at things because in reality, a customer isn't always right....
They may think that they are but it doesn't make them correct. As for your issue, you'll need to contact the manufacturer of your handset, as there isn't much you can expect Vodafone to do for you. They didn't supply you with the phone and it is unreasonable to expect them to support it. Has my post helped you? If so please click the Thumbs Up button!
Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 01:12 PM Zealot number two here. Your request was unreasonable yesterday and it remains unreasonable today. There is no reason why you should expect Vodafone to make an investment in supporting hardware it doesn't supply or support. That is nothing to do with cartels or timid politicians - it's just plain common sense.
Buy a phone that Vodafone does support or take your non standard handset to a network that it will work on. These are your two choices. Your continued gripes will not get you anywhere.
Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 04:17 PM I hope that Vodafone management is watching this thread and will reconsider the value of allowing their company's reputation to be "defended" and then shredded by people who apparently do not work for it. Re: Cubot One - No internet connectivity 29-06-2014 04:24 PM Have you not yet realised that you can say what you like on this forum, good or bad, as long as you stay within the rules and don't use bad language or insult people. There is no censorship here.