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The BlackBerry Passport doesnt really need any introductions whatsoever –– its THAT square phone youve been hearing so much about in the run-up to its launch. But is the Passport any good? That depends.
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KYM has long been a fan of BB10 and what it stands for, but for the longest time weve also felt a little let down by the hardware it shipped inside.
Can the BlackBerry Passport change this? We aim to find out. If you want to get people talking, give them something interesting to talk about.

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And in a world of rectangular slabs dominated by two platforms, its good to see something a little more eccentric with regards to design. Yes, the iPhone 6 is gorgeous.
And, yes, the LG G3 and HTC One M8 are beautifully designed smartphones with excellent operating systems, but variety (at least, outside the mobile space) is considered the spice of life, and for the longest time nothing of note has really happened in the arena of phone design. They just seem to be getting bigger –– A LOT bigger. Hell, even Apples getting in on the act with the iPhone 6 Plus, which is now one of the largest handsets money can buy, save for the newly released Google Nexus 6. Beyond this trend, however, not much else has happened with respect to design; tech brands still worship the thinner, faster, lighter mantra.
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And thats fine –– I like svelte, lightweight gizmos. And yet, at the same time, I still often find myself hoping for something truly leftfield from OEMs… it just never happens. The BlackBerry Passport is big –– very BIG –– its square AND it has a physical keyboard, which also doubles as a trackpad for scrolling around menus, apps and webpages.
And all of that has caused a lot of people to write the handset off as nothing more than a mobile version of a bearded lady, labelling it a freak thats kind of interesting but hardly convenient in normal, everyday life. But heres the thing: this sentiment couldnt be further from the truth. Measuring in at 128 x 90. 3 x 9. 3 mm, the BlackBerry Passport, like all good things, is more than a handful.
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You cant really use it comfortably with one hand, but so what? I cant use my Nexus 5 with one hand all that well. Ditto the iPhone 6 Plus. The Passport weighs in at 196g and is heavier than anything the company has ever produced. It is also more premium than anything BlackBerry has turned out in living memory, with a gorgeous metal frame, high-grade polycarbonate backing, pitch-perfect keyboard, and an ultra-high-resolution 4. 5in display.
As I see it there are two talking points regarding the Passports design: its keyboard and the display.
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The former is a full QWERTY setup arranged over three rows with the space bar housed centrally on the bottom line of keys. BlackBerry says this is the best keyboard it has ever produced, and it really is –– it surpasses the Q10s setup in everyway. And the main reason for this is because it is A LOT smarter.
On top of that it is more fully integrated with BB10 and the overall experience of using the phone. Ill admit, ahead of using the BlackBerry Passport I had plenty of reservations about this device.
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The shape didnt really appeal to me, and the idea of using a QWERTY keyboard, while always an interesting prospect, struck me as a bit antiquated.
I really liked the BlackBerry Q10 and used it as my daily driver for a good six months, but in the end I still ended up going back to Android. The Passport is better than the Q10 because it takes the principles that made it great (an excellent QWERTY combined with a decent OS) and evolves it into a handset that feels like a proper, full-on 2014 flagship – something that can and will (in some instances) replace an iPhone or Android handset. The design is definitely controversial and it certainly wont suit all tastes.
But thats OK. If you want an iPhone, chances are you already own one. Ditto for Android.
The Passport handles pretty much as youd expect. It does feel incredibly wide compared to standard-issue handsets from LG, Google, HTC and Apple, and it does take some getting used to… but, AGAIN, so what? You could say the exact same thing about the original Samsung Galaxy Note or the iPhone 6 Plus for that matter. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is to say different folks find different things attractive (just look at Benedict Cumberbatch), so rather than taking my word for it –– even though I do like the way it looks, and find Mr Cumberbatch very handsome –– the best possible route for you, dear reader, is to ask yourself whether you could see yourself using a handset that looks like this? If your the gut answer is no, fine, move along.
But if youre intrigued by its odd proportions and find yourself musing about what it would feel like in your hand, or how its keys work in practice, then Id advise you to go and check one out in a phone shop because there is a certain je nais sais quois about the Passport that I think A LOT of people will really enjoy. Initial sales seemed to indicate this too –– BlackBerry confirmed it sold 200,000 units in the handsets first two days on sale. The company has remained quiet on exact figures since then, but John Chen recently confirmed the company is experiencing shortages of the handset due to higher-than-expected demand. The Passports display is a 4. 5in 1440 x 1440 pixel IPS LCD setup and is the best display Ive ever seen inside a BlackBerry handset – bar none. BlackBerry chose this resolution and aspect ratio (1:1) for a very specific reason: normal mobile phones display 40 characters across their screens, but with the Passports extra width you get 60 characters, which makes reading things like eBooks, webpages and - BlackBerrys favourite - spreadsheets, A LOT easier.
Or, if you prefer, better, by showing you more of what youre looking at. Either way, its a good thing, as you can see below:With regards to clarity and colour production, the HD-grade panel also delivers the goods. Colours look fantastic with excellent contrast and lots of detail. Text appears crisp and theres no hint of pixilation anywhere, whether on the web, in an app, or when reading an eBook.
Viewing angles are great too, and the Passport also performs well in direct sunlight –– unlike my current Nexus 5. But this was always going to be the case, as what youre looking at is an HD IPS LCD panel. The only real downside of this setup is to do with video, which is affected by boxing on account of the Passports 1:1 aspect ratio.